Service Checker and IP Helper for Unicenter Software Delivery and Asset Management

Today’s networking environments are quite complex. This complexity applies especially to target computers i.e. desktop computers and notebooks.

In our world many ways do exist to reach servers assigned to serve client computers. The following example illustrates our situation: An employee’s notebook might be in the Vienna office during office hours. In the evening the same machine appears again in the intranet but at this time via VPN over DSL. Next week the notebook is located in the London office and in the evening it is operated in the hotel and connected via Modem and VPN to the intranet.

The table below summarises just some of many possible network configurations between target computer and staging server.




Start USD?

Vienna Office


< 1 ms


Klosterneuburg Home


50 ms


Klosterneuburg Home


No access


London Office


40 ms

yes / no

London Hotel


100 ms


In this case one wants an application that can detect if the computer is near enough to a staging server and if it is start the USD agent. If not stop all services.

Service Checker and IP Helper (SrvChk.exe) uses advanced API technology of the Windows™ operating system to handle this complexity with simple tasks.

Service Checker and IP Helper (SrvChk.exe) uses ICMP ping sweeps to find out if the staging server is reachable and at what average line speed.

Service Checker and IP Helper (SrvChk.exe) allows you to define start actions (actions that are triggered when the server response time is below a predefined value) or stop actions (actions that are triggered when there is no server response or the server response time is too high compared to a predefined value).

Service Checker and IP Helper (SrvChk.exe) logs the results of tests and the actions performed into a log file.

Read more about it in the documentation.


The tool is available as ZIP-File For questions contact Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein! .